Visualization of construction procedures and related matters

Idea description:

One of the important activities provided by the city is the coordination of construction. For these purposes, the city adopts a variety of applications and notifications, delivers its opinions, etc. It also addresses the so-called Zoning Plan.

The city can publish some data out of construction procedures:

– what plots are subject to zoning decision or construction procedures, of

– changes to the zoning plan, with reference to the vote and other document, etc.

Suitably published data can then be easily and efficiently drawn into the map and then visually and interactively discovered, explored, browsed. This will provide the citizens with a better overview of what, when and why something will be built or otherwise changed in their immediate vicinity. With a better overview, the citizens will be able to intervene the construction procedures more efficiently if necessary.

The possible outcome can be better imagined after visiting similar projects in other cities or countries:

– Prague:

– Dublin:

– New York:

For more details: