Beat the Billboard

  • Beat the Billboard
  • Beat the Billboard
  • Beat the Billboard
  • Beat the Billboard

Idea description:

Billboards, megaboards, citylights on busstops, posters on walls, on busses, in trams, huge banners on buildings… They are screaming for our attention,
providing us with information we have not asked for. Advertisement is polluting our cities, our direct living environment – without contributing to society.
It is time that we start to realize there is something we can do against this!

To activate the politicians of Bratislava to do something about the billboards, we give you the chance to make yourself be heard. We have selected a few
examples of unrespectfully placed advertisements. It is up to you to vote which one deserves the BLB award. Place the sticker on the image, or go to and vote online.

Tree for billboard!
Just like CO2, the visual pollution can be compensated. For each ‘planted’ billboard (from citylight to megaboard) should be symbolically planted a tree.
The orderer of the advertisement should cover these costs. For instance through (kup si svoj strom, one tree costs extra 1000,- Sk).

Respect architecture!
Architecture, from every period of time, is our cultural and historical heritage. This should be protected
and respected. We should protect the ‘face of the city’ and with that it’s identity. Not only for tourists in Stare Mesto, but also for the inhabitants of the city outside the centre. In France, Spain, The Netherlands many cities have shown that by simple regulations and restrictions it is possible to limit advertisement in public space. All that is needed is political will to do so.