Together we create a city Public engagement in decision-making process and planning

Idea description:

For us, the city is also a public space where we live a public part of our lives. We also publicly discuss it – its appearance, development, and our role in it.

A public decision-making process means deciding about public consequences, therefore, we offer a toolbox enabling citizens to get engaged. We have personally experienced the examples mentioned here.

What Bratislava needs:

• A strategic vision for the city, reflected in public policies and concepts, and establishing of participation in the administration of the city.

• Transparent distribution of information on planned activities, projects and resources used.

• Negotiation on amendments and investment plans still in its formative stage with regard to public interest.

• Support for citizen’s associations and initiatives aimed at developing the city.

• Changing roles of officials in cooperation with the citizens – from regulators to facilitators engaging the public.

How to start: Proposals for the local government

Identify your stakeholders. If you’ve missed anyone, it will return back to you in the process. If you have no idea, ask local initiatives and associations. Information on planned projects and updates – what is to happen and what impact it will have, but above all, how to get involved.

Identify sensitive and important topics directly with people. Key players and major themes form the outputs of participatory processes.

Offer space for engagement. Allow the public to plan and develop so that their experience and expertise could move the projects forward in quality aspect. Use the whole range of tools and take the participation seriously…